400 CLUB Rules

1. The 400 Club is a lottery promoted by the Committee to help raise funds for the upkeep of the Village Hall.

2. There is a monthly draw made during the monthly meeting on the last Tuesday of each month.

3. No prize will be paid to anyone other than the person to whom the winning number has been allocated. Winning numbers will be publicised in the Northern Scot, Post Office, Burghead Community Hall Facebook Page and our Website.

4. The annual fee is £11 per year payable each February in advance, i.e £1per month. 12th month is FREE.
If joining throughout the year fee will be £1 per month to include the January draw.

5. Participants must be 16 years and over.

6. The total prize money will be at least 50% of the money donated.

7. In case of dispute the decision of the Committee is final.

Complete the online form.

Complete the application form and return it to a committee member.

PAYMENTS (only make payment once you have received your ball number) Use bank transfer to the following Account using your ball number and surname as the reference:
Account Name: Burghead Community Hall
Sort Code: 80-08-91
Account Number: 06001304
By Cash or cheque - pass to any member of the Committee in a sealed envelope detailing your name, address and ball number.


Burghead Community Hall
Grant Street, Burghead
Moray, IV30 5UE

Website by Digital Routes Ltd   |   © Burghead Community Hall